Trick or Treat Safety

At Walker Smith Body Shop of Snellville, we love the costumed kids and candy at Halloween. Even though we enjoy this season, it is the most dangerous night of the year for young pedestrians. We want to help you keep your family safe so here are seven safety tips for trick-or-treaters and drivers this Friday.

  1. Go in Groups. In order to increase visibility, we recommend that you grab a crew to walk with. Authorities also say that kids under 12 should go with an adult.
  2. Stay Visible. Wear bright colors or add reflectors to your costume. You can purchase inexpensive reflective tape for less than $5.00 at many big box stores.
  3. Forget the Mask. Face paint is preferable to masks, which can obstruct your view.
  4. No Text-and-Treating. A recent survey of 1,000 teens, 40% were almost hit by a car while walking. The main culprit was the mobile phone, including listening to music, texting or talking on the phone. If your child has a cellphone, we recommend you add a passcode so they can only access it for emergency or incoming calls.
  5. Stay to the Left. Sidewalks are best, but when there are not any, walk on the far-left side of the road, walking against oncoming traffic, so you can get out of the way if necessary.
  6. Eye Contact. Instruct your kids to try to make eye contact with a driver before crossing the street, making sure they see them before taking a step.
  7. Watch out for Zombies… witches, ghouls and ghosts. But mostly, if you drive, keep an eye out for kids who may have inadvertently stepped on the street. Remember that pedestrians have the right of way. Drive slowly and with care, especially between the hours of 5:30 – 9pm.

Happy Halloween from your neighbors at Walker Smith Body Shop in Snellville! Call us 770-972-2975