When selecting an automobile insurance policy many people can get confused when it comes to selecting a deductible!


A deductible is the amount of money that you pay out of your pocket after an accident before the insurance company pays for anything!

We at Walker Smith Body Shop would like to offer a few simple suggestions to help you decide what insurance policy is best for you!

The first suggestion we have is to select a deductible that is best for you bank account! When choosing a policy you must consider how much money you have in the bank?


If your bank account is full and you have plenty to spare you may opt for a high deductible. So in the case that you do get into an auto accident your deductible will be high let’s say $1,000 or $1,500, but your monthly payments will be much lower. This is usually the best option to choose!

However not everyone has thousands to spare. So if that is the case for you, you may choose a lower deductible and opt to pay a little more each month!

Another factor to consider is your own personal driving record. Are you more prone to accidents? Do you travel in congested driving areas? If you have a higher risk of automobile accidents it may be best to opt for a lower deductible.

But if you have a spotless driving record and live in an area that is not so dangerous for driving you may opt for a higher deductible. In the end you save more money this way!

We know that dealing with insurance companies can sometimes be a challenge, which is why at Walker Smith Body Shop of Snellville we offer deductible assistance! Stop by or give us a call today! After an accident you do have a choice!